In Rajasthan, the police deployed an unusual technique to retrieve a gold chain that a thief had swallowed.?
They literally force fed over a dozen bananas and two papayas to a thief who swallowed a gold chain to cover up his crime!?
On Tuesday, two men had snatched the chain from a woman in Gangashahar locality.
Within few hours, the police nabbed the duo and the snatcher had swallowed the chain in a bid to mislead the police, reported?Hindustan Times.
The accused identified as Rakesh even burped?at the cops mocking them, reports?Times of India.
The cops took the accused to hospital where X-rays ¡°showed pieces of gold chain lodged in his gut,¡± Bijarania said.
Doctors advised us to put him on a course of potassium-rich food and feed him bananas and papaya instead of endoscopic surgery.¡±
The snatcher was fed more than a dozen bananas and two papayas and waited for him to defecate to recover the chain.
In a similar incident, back inn 2016, Mumbai police?force-fed a thief more than 40 bananas to get a gold chain out of his system.?
The man denied snatching the chain from a woman in the street in Mumbai and swallowed it in a desperate bid to conceal his crime last week, but hospital X-rays suggested otherwise