In a hilarious turn of events, a student attempting to cheat on an assignment using ChatGPT, a language model, experienced a major blunder. Instead of doing what it was told, ChatGPT had a funny reply to give, which quickly went viral on Twitter.?
The incident has sparked a debate on the ethics of using technology to cheat on tests and serves as a reminder of the negative consequences of cheating. While the student's identity remains unknown, it's clear that the lesson learned from this viral incident will not be forgotten anytime soon.
Every day, someone or another comes up with brand new knowledge about what this amazing chatbot can achieve. ChatGPT has so far made many people's jaws drop by producing professional-quality essays, graphics and even meal menus.
A humorous gaffe made by a youngster has truly erased that dread and caused Tweeple to laugh uncontrollably. Justine Moore, a Twitter user, provided a section of a student's essay on Shakespeare's celebrated play Twelfth Night, with the caption, 'Teachers: "AI is a disaster, how am I going to know who is cheating?! Students:...'
The student used AI to create the essay, as the first line stated, "I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I am unable to complete this assignment."
Maybe the student had a tight deadline or they were naive enough not to remove the portion indicating that it was done through ChatGPT. You must check out what the teacher had to say.
Since the post got viral it has received over 10 Million views, 11.9K retweets, 2,152 quotes, 132.6K likes, and 3,644 bookmarks.?People couldn't stop laughing at the funny error and commented on how the post demonstrated the importance of education even if the world was governed by AI.
People need some regulatory monitoring here, according to one of the users. In the wrong hands, AI can be extremely harmful. This is one prompt away from hacking the mainframe or bypassing the red room, and then AGI and who knows what else.
Another user commented, "What's more disturbing is the modern woke slant on Shakespeare built into chatgpt."?
Another person stated, "Kids always tell on themselves... they're cute little stinkers as they learn how the world works."
?What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments.
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