A Maharashtra woman was cheated by a 36-year-old man at an ATM near Bandra station. The woman succeeded in catching the conman by laying a trap for him. She visited the same ATM for around 17 days and waited for the man to pass the area.
Rehana Shaikh went to an ATM to withdraw money on December 18, but she was unable to do so due to some technical fault. Bhupendra Mishra, the accused was waiting outside the door and offered to help Shaikh. Though she could not withdraw the money, Mishra got all the details of her card.
As soon as she reached her office, she got a message from her bank notifying that Rs 10,000 had been withdrawn from her account. Shaikh went to the same ATM for around 17 days and waited for Mishra to pass by.
Reportedly, she saw the man outside the ATM on January 4, she caught him and called the police immediately. The police checked Bhupendra¡¯s past records and found out that he already had 7 cases registered against him.