From editing messages to using multiple accounts on single phones, WhatsApp had introduced a number of significant features last year. But the Meta-owned messaging platform seems to be in no mood for a slowdown.?
From international UPI payments to AI features for editing photos, here are five upcoming features that will soon be launched for WhatsApp users.
It has been reported that WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will let users enable international payments within the app. As part of this, users will be able to use UPI directly from WhatsApp to authorize foreign payments for a maximum of three months. Users will be able to pay foreign companies with this.?Be aware that UPI apps like PhonePe and Google Pay already have this feature, as per Business Insider report.
It has been reported that Mark Zuckerberg owned Meta is going to incorporate its Meta AI into WhatsApp, enabling users to converse and pose queries to the AI chatbot through the search bar. The app will recommend questions to users so they can quickly find the answers they need.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is developing a tool that will let users edit their photos using AI before sharing them with others. It is said that users will be able to alter the photos' backgrounds, add creative effects, and do much more.
With the release of these features, you won't need to use any other AI-powered tools to edit photos or find answers to questions.?
It has been reported that WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will make it simple for users to share files with others. Users should be able to share files up to 2GB with this feature, which functions similarly to Google's Quick Share feature. Users will be able to share files exclusively with nearby users thanks to this feature.
It is anticipated that WhatsApp will soon release a new feature that will let users customize their usernames on the app. Users are already able to use unique usernames on applications like Facebook and Instagram.
With the release of this feature, users will be able to customize their WhatsApp usernames and connect with people without having to reveal their phone number.?This feature has been available on Telegram for some time, and Signal just announced that it is now being rolled out.?
WhatsApp also intends to release a new feature that will prohibit users from taking screenshots of other users' profile pictures in an effort to increase user privacy. An error message stating, "Can't take a screenshot due to app restrictions," will appear to users when they attempt to take a screenshot of their profile picture.?
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