Inside Photos of Mukesh Ambani's Lavish Rs 640 Crore Dubai Villa:?Mukesh and Nita Ambani don't hold back when it comes to treating their kids. Mukesh Ambani, India's richest person and the eleventh richest globally, has plenty of money to spoil his children ¨C twins Akash and Isha, and their younger brother Anant. Recently, the influential couple splashed out around Rs 1259 crore on Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding celebrations. This included paying superstar Rihanna between Rs 66-74 crore for a performance. Now, they're getting ready to spend double that amount on the actual wedding in July.
Over time, the Ambani family has grown to include Isha¡¯s husband, Anand Piramal, who's the Executive Director of the Piramal Group; Shloka Mehta, who's a diamond heiress and married Akash in 2019; and now Radhika Merchant, who's the Director of Encore Healthcare.
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Mukesh Ambani has bought a lavish beachside villa in Dubai for his son Anant. Reports suggest that it's not just any villa, but one of the most expensive in Dubai, located in Palm Jumeirah.
In April 2022, Mukesh Ambani purchased this grand villa, spanning 3,000 square feet, with 10 bedrooms, and its own 70-meter private beach. News18 reported that this luxurious villa cost a staggering Rs 640 crore. Hindustan Times also mentioned that this was Dubai¡¯s second-largest residential property deal.
The villa's interiors boast Italian marble and exclusive artworks. The living spaces are adorned with statement lighting, adding a touch of grandeur. This modern mansion offers all the luxuries and amenities that a billionaire's family could desire, including a 70-meter private beach.
This extravagant property is the most expensive villa ever sold in Dubai. The Ambanis seem to be expanding their billion-dollar empire across the globe through such high-end real estate investments.
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