Ukraine War: Russian Chess Great Garry Kasparov Calls Vladimir Putin A 'Monster'
Russian chess great Garry Kasparov said the people who supported, appeased or ignored Vladimir Putin, must be ashamed of creating a monster, as per India TV.
Russian chess great Garry Kasparov said the people who supported, appeased, or ignored Vladimir Putin, must be ashamed of creating a monster, as per India TV.
Kasparov is now a politician and a huge vocal critic of the Russian president and this was his take on the Russia-Ukraine war.
"Every dollar in trade with Russia since he invaded Ukraine in 2014, every Euro of corrupt deals with his cronies, helped Putin build the war machine he is using to slaughter civilians in Europe today," he tweeted after the launch of Russia's military operation in Ukraine.
"Now you must help Ukraine fight against the monster you helped create," he added.
This is the snake the free world nestled to its bosom, treating Putin as an ally, an equal, while he spread his corruption. Now he strikes again, proving that you cannot avoid battling evil, you can only delay it while the price goes up. Glory to Ukraine.
ĄĒ Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) February 24, 2022
"There's no going back in time, but I hope those who ignored, downplayed and appeased Putin for so long feeling some shame today. Enough at least to do everything possible to stop him now," he went on to say.
Kasparov left Russia in 2014 because he was afraid of being persecuted and right now resides in Croatia. He was the top-ranked chess player from 1984 until his retirement in 2005, a total of 255 months which is a record.