Whatsapp's Latest Feature Lets You Track Your Friends In Realtime, Is Off By Default
With the feature called Live Location Tracking, Whatsapp users will be able to broadcast their current location. They'll also have the option of enabling location tracking to anyone in their Whatsapp contact list with up to 1, 2, 5 minute intervals.

Whatsapp's upcoming feature might not go down too well with privacy watchdogs, as the Facebook-owned messaging service is reportedly going to allow users to track their contacts' locations in real-time.
With the feature called Live Location Tracking, Whatsapp users will be able to broadcast their current location. They'll also have the option of enabling location tracking to anyone in their Whatsapp contact list with up to one minute, two minutes and five minutes intervals.
(Also read: Whatsapp Now Lets You Send Offline Messages, 30 Photos At Once)
As you all know, Whatsapp already allows users to drop a location pin and share it with their friends and contacts, but real-time Live Location Tracking is just a whole different ballgame. Imagine the privacy stakes will be really high to prevent things from going seriously wrong.
And that's exactly what Whatsapp's trying to address. Live Location Tracking is expected to be disabled by default when it finally arrives, precisely to quell any privacy fears. Whatsapp users who're curious to know how Live Location Tracking works will need to manually turn it on through the app's Settings menu.
As of now, Live Location Tracking is baked into the beta version of Whatsapp on both Android (version 2.16.399) and iOS (version platforms. Whatsapp hasn't provided any details as to when exactly does the live tracking feature is green-lit for the final, end-user build of the messaging app.
(Also read: WhatsApp Will Soon Let You Revoke Sent Messages And Even Edit Them After Hitting 'Send')