Mukesh Dalal, a BJP candidate from Surat, made history by winning the Lok Sabha elections unopposed. His victory came after the rejection of Congress candidate Nilesh Kumbhani's nomination and the withdrawal of all other candidates. Dalal was awarded the Member of Parliament certificate, as per Election Commission rules, which state that if only one candidate remains in a constituency after the withdrawal deadline, they are declared elected immediately. This rare occurrence marks only the 24th instance of an uncontested victory in Lok Sabha elections since Independence.
The Chandigarh Mayor Election aftermath witnessed chaos as BJP's Manoj Sonkar claimed victory. Allegations of fraud and forgery triggered a ruckus in the Municipal Corporation House, with AAP and Congress councilors protesting the results. Accusing BJP of cheating, they cited eight invalid votes and accused the presiding officer of ballot manipulation. AAP's candidate, Kuldeep Kumar, moved the High Court, labeling the election a "complete fraud." Although the court declined to stay the results, it sought responses from authorities. Sonkar attributed his win to PM Modi's leadership amid global acclaim.
In a big revamp of Indian Criminal laws, Amit Shah tabled the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill, by which the Sedition Law is to be scrapped. The Centre will introduce a provision for capital punishment in mob lynching cases.
There was a time in 2011 when Ministers took to poetry to debate in the Parliament, but by 2023, the style of debate in the Parliament had completely changed.
"For them, the best slogan is 'Modi, teri kabr khudegi." "I believe the opposition has got a secret vardaanĄĒgood things happen to those for whom they wish bad. One such example is standing before you, anyone they speak against ends up flourishing." One such example is standing before you.