Tata Motors has launched its first ever electric car for the general public in India. Tata Tigor EV, the electric sedan that was already introduced for the government and commercial fleet operators, will now come with an extended range in the Indian market at a starting price of Rs 9.44 lakh, ex-showroom Delhi. The price also includes the government subsidies available on the electric car.
The new Tigor EV Electric claims a range of 213 km (ARAI approved) as opposed to the 120 km claimed by its earlier iteration sold to the government and fleet operators. It will be sold in three variants - XE+, XM+ and XT+ ¨C for personal as well as fleet customers.
Tata Tigor EV (Image: Sarthak Dogra/ IndiaTimes)
The electric car by Tata Motors will come with a 21.5 kWh battery pack claiming the above mentioned range. In addition, the fastest charging time claimed for the battery is 90 minutes from 0 to 80 percent. Safety features on the Tigor EV will include dual airbags (XE+ variant with Driver Airbag only) and an anti-lock braking system as standard. Tata Motors is offering a warranty of 3 years or 1.25 lakh km for the vehicle, whichever is earlier.
Being a battery electric car, the Tata Tigor EV is subject to certain incentives offered by the government upon the purchase of electric vehicles in the country. A significant one is the drop in GST on electric vehicles from 12 percent to 5 percent. In addition, there are several incentives under the FAME-II scheme of the government.
Tata Tigor EV (Image: Sarthak Dogra/ IndiaTimes)
Tata Motors will be selling the Tigor EV in 30 cities across India and chances are, the location of purchase will also impact the final price of the Tigor EV, considering the local incentives offered by the state governments on electric vehicles.
Tata Motors earlier confirmed its plans to roll out 5 new electric vehicles in the country by next year. Starting with the Tigor EV, here is what the auto maker will be bringing to the Indian market very soon.?