Drama alert! Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, the power couple of Bollywood, have been the talk of the town lately thanks to swirling divorce rumours. It all began when the couple arrived separately at a high-profile Anant Ambani wedding in July, which had fans buzzing. Things got even juicier when Abhishek liked an Instagram post that discussed "grey divorces" and posed the question of why long-term couples were parting ways.
Of course, as the gossip mill churned, the Bachchan pair was spotted at an event, and naturally, they were spotted posing for a smiley selfie with Aishwarya's mother, Brindya, and Anu Ranjan. The couple looked picture-perfect in matching black outfits, completely debunking the separation theories¡ªat least for now.
Adding fuel to the fire was Aishwarya¡¯s recent appearance at the Global Women¡¯s Forum in Dubai, where she gave a speech on women¡¯s empowerment. But here's the twist¡ªon the large screen behind her, she was introduced as ¡°Aishwarya Rai | International Star,¡± leaving out her married surname, Bachchan. Did she forget, or was this a subtle statement? We¡¯ll let you decide!
Despite the speculation, the couple, who tied the knot in 2007 and share their daughter Aaradhya, have neither confirmed nor denied the rumours. But with everything going on, it looks like fans will have to wait for an official statement or a social media post to find out the real deal.
For now, let¡¯s not forget that Aishwarya and Abhishek have worked together in several films, including Dhoom 2, Guru, and Raavan, and have remained one of Bollywood¡¯s most iconic pairs. So, whether they¡¯re stepping out separately or twinning in black, only time will tell where the Bachchan marriage stands. Keep an eye out¡ªthings are about to get more interesting!
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