A few days after expressing his thanks to his wife, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan was heard talking about having a second child with the actress. Abhishek was teased about it on Riteish Deshmukh's show, Case Toh Banta Hai. Riteish said to Abhishek, ¡°Amitabh ji, Aishwarya, Aaradhya aur aap Abhishek. Yeh saare ¡®A¡¯ letter se shuru hote hain. Toh Jaya aunty aur Shweta ne aisa kya kar liya.¡± Here¡¯s how he reacted!
Abhishek was then left laughing and he responded by saying ¡°Yeh unko poochna padega. Lekin ek pratha si bann gayi hai humare parivaar main shayad. Abhishek, Aaradhya¡"
?Riteish went on to ask, ¡°Aaradhya ke baad?" Abhishek then said, ¡°Nahi abhi agli peedhi jo aayegi tab dekhenge na." Riteish asked, ¡°Utna kaun rukta hai? Jaise Riteish, Riaan, Rahyl (his two sons). Abhishek, Aaradhya¡" Abhishek, leaving the viewers in splits, said, ¡°Umar ka lihaza kiya karo, Ritiesh. Main tumse bada hoon."?
On one of the show¡¯s segments, Abhishek pulled a prank on comedian Paritosh. The comedian was seen joking about Amitabh Bachchan and Jr Bachchan stopped the act in between and asked him not to drag his dad in the name of comedy. However, a few moments later, Abhishek, who walked off the stage, came back and said that it was only a prank.?
?For the unversed, Abhishek Bachchan was recently lauded for his performance in the movie I Want To Talk.?
If you want to watch, Riteish Deshmukh's show, Case Toh Banta Hai, then it is available to stream on Amazon MX Player.?
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