Heeramandi Trailer Launch: With Heeramandi, Fardeen Khan is making his eagerly anticipated return. The actor, who has been adored by many for a long time, is happy and appreciative of the opportunity. The actor got emotional during the Heeramandi trailer premiere event on Tuesday in Mumbai, discussing his comeback and thanking Sanjay Leela Bhansali for providing him with "the perfect role."?
Fardeen said as per HT, "Firstly, it's been a very long gap for me. It's been almost about 14 years, to say the least. I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity to work with this stellar star cast and a platform like Netflix and the man himself, Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I couldn't have hoped for a better opportunity as an actor to return to the screen.¡±
Also read:?Heeramandi: Fardeen Khan Makes Comeback After 14 Years, Fans Say 'This Is Big'?
He further continued, ¡°For me, this was something I have never done and it was the perfect role for me. At the age I am in, to come back to the screen, you come with a certain amount of life experience, wisdom and you know you can you can really contribute to the layers that Sanjay writes into all his characters. His characters are very intricate, very complex. There's nobody like him who writes characters. He goes across the spectrum and emotions, and he has this intuitive understanding of it. It¡¯s daunting to work with him, but at the same time, when you see it all together, it just all makes sense. I'm getting emotional now¡ I am extremely grateful for this chance and so happy to be here.¡±
Also read: Pakistani Actor Imran Abbas Reveals He Rejected Aashiqui 2, PK And Heeramandi
At the same event, she said, ¡°I waited 28 years for Sanjay to call me and it¡¯s been a pleasure. It¡¯s an honour to be working with that genius. A lot of hard work and pyaar mohabbat has gone into making Heermandi. We have made the show with so much love, and we expect you all to love it.¡±
Heeramandi will release on 1st May 2024.?
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