After the release of Brahmastra on Friday, actor Kangana Ranaut took a jab at the film's director, Ayan Mukerji. Kangana Ranaut was unhinged as she bombarded her Instagram account with back-to-back stories slamming the team of Brahmastra.?
Kangana also slammed her arch-rival Karan Johar, whom she once referred to on his popular chat show as the "movie mafia."
"Everyone who called Ayan Mukerji a genius should be jailed immediately¡. He took 12 years to make this film, and he replaced 14 DOP he shot for more than 400 days for this film and changed 85 ADs and burn 600 crores to ashes¡.."
She added,
"Also tried to exploit religious sentiments by changing the film name from Jalaluddin Rumi to Shiva last minute, because of Bahubali success¡. Such opportunists, creativity-deprived people, success-starved greedy people if you caked geniuses then it¡¯s not manipulation but a well thought of a strategy to call din ko Raat and Raat ko din¡."
"There is no such thing. It's a beautiful environment to release a film in any environment," Alia explained. "Right now, we need to be healthy, happy, and safe, and for all those things, we should be grateful."
Helmed by Ayan Mukherji, ¡®Brahmastra¡¯ also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and South Indian actor Nagarjuna in the lead roles.?
The movie is in theatres starting September 9, 2022, in Hindi and Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.?
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