Besharam Rang, the first single from Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film 'Pathaan', has received widespread backlash.?Joining a strong voice of dissent is actor Mukesh Khanna, who has weighed in with his criticisms.??
The actor has questioned how the song was certified by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), given the video's allegations of "vulgarity".
The song only came out this week and has already sparked debate.?
"I think our film industry has gone haywire. This is a matter of vulgarity, it has nothing to do with any religious problem. The censor board is no Supreme Court. They tell me very prominent people, but can they not see all these attacks on the Hindu religion?"
"Ok, the issue at hand is that of vulgarity. Our country is no Spain or Sweden or such a country that allows everything. You dared to bring people in such limited clothing. Next, you will bring them without the clothes! The job of the censor board is to ensure that films do not hurt anyone's personal feelings and beliefs. The censor must not pass such films that instigate or lead the youth astray. This song can mess up the minds of the youth, not mislead them. This is not a song made for the OTT but a film. How could the censor pass it? Did they not see the deliberate provocative dressing?"
The Madhya Pradesh Ulema Board has also opposed the film's release. The video "hurts the Muslim community," as per MP Ulema Board President Syed Anas Ali, who stressed that they will not "allow this film to be released."
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