Shah Rukh Khan enjoyed his heart out at the launch party of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai. He even took the centre stage at the bash and danced his heart out on songs like Jhoome Jo Pathaan and Brown Munde. In an unseen video captured off-stage, SRK with his wife Gauri can be seen swaying in style to AP Dhillon¡¯s track Brown Munde.
Also Read:?Shah Rukh Khan Grooves To Brown Munde And Jhoome Jo Pathaan At NMACC Gala, Videos Go Viral
Also Read:?¡®Wholesome¡¯, Aryan Khan Smiles Bright Watching Dad Shah Rukh Khan Dance To Jhoome Jo Pathaan
In an earlier interaction, SRK declared Excuses as his favourite track. Talking about this song crooned by AP Dhillon and Gurinder Gill, SRK said, ¡°Whatever little Punjabi know from Delhi, we say a lot of 'tenu laguga' and 'pata laguga', so I really like that song. I think it's a very cool song and I like the word 'Pata laguga¡¯.¡±
Reports are rife that OTT platforms are bidding big to buy web rights of Jawan as the film is already buzzing between cine lovers. A source close to Pinkvila revealed, ¡°Jawan is viewed as a film that can bring in tremendous viewerships. The film has a universal appeal, and thanks to mega budgets spent on the scale of the film, it¡¯s expected to be a spectacle.¡±
¡°Most importantly, it is a multi-lingual film that will penetrate across markets, garnering viewership across the country. In that sense, it¡¯s a true pan-India film with big names from across the nation. It is bound to connect with a wider audience. All of this is a big win for any OTT platform,¡± the source concluded.
Also Read: ¡®Spiderverse X Spyverse¡¯, Salman-Shah Rukh Poses With Tom-Zendaya In Unseen Pic From NMACC Gala
Where Jawan will reportedly hit theatres on 2nd June this year, Dunki will arrive in Christmas week. This year is definitely a banger for SRK as his return to cinemas after four years just pulled out the entire Bollywood from its dull phase. Pathaan earned over Rs 1050 crore worldwide breaking several records.
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