Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor are teaming up for the first time in a film by Pyar ka Punchnama fame Luv Ranjan and Rahul Moody. For long, Bollywood buffs had been waiting to see the duo's chemistry and as the trailer of Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, they are over the moon. Not just Ranbir-Shraddha's chemistry, they are going bonkers to see comedian Anubhav Singh Bassi in the trailer.
The official synopsis of the movie reads, "Madness ensues when a 'Player' in the world of romantic relationships finds a girl who's a worthy opponent. Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar is a film that believes Love is a battle of wits. Let the love games begin."
"On behalf of all Ranbir fans in the world we wish this movie a great success Ranbir & Shraddha together are killing it."
"On behalf on Ranvir and Shraddha fans in the world ?We wish this movie a Great success."
"This is what Audience want....Love Story, Pritam's Music, Arijit, Cast selection, Location...Mast."
"The pair we all dying to see together onscreen is here ...The chemistry between two is unmatchedTypical Luv runjan movie Loving it".
"Who else is excited to see Bassi in the big screen!!"
"Extremely happy that our brooo Anubhav singh bassi bhaiya is debuting in this film ....cant wait to see him."
"Think I downloaded the wrong ROOMMATE stand-up comedy video by Bassi."
"Surprise package is @be_a_bassi . All the best Bassi"
"Here for Bassi Bhai!!All the best!!! Trailer looks amazing Also the refreshing pair of Ranbir and Shraddha"
Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar is slated to release on March 8 in theatres.
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