Days after 19-year-old actress Suhani Bhatnagar's tragic and untimely demise, Aamir Khan who shared screen space with her in the 2016 film Dangal, visited her family in Faridabad to pay heartfelt tribute and offer condolences. A picture of the actor from her home has gone viral on the internet.?
For the unversed, Suhani Bhatnagar who played the role of Junior Babita Phogat in Nitesh TiwariĄŻs Dangal passed away at the age of 19 on Feb 16 after suffering from dermatomyositis, a rare autoimmune disease. Aamir Khan was deeply affected by the news. He visited the family in Faridabad recently.?
Also Read:?Babita Phogat Attends Suhani Bhatnagar's Prayer Meet, Shares Photos With Actress's Parents
Earlier, Suhani's mother had revealed that Aamir Khan kept in touch the the family even after Dangal. "Aamir Khan has always been in touch with her (Suhani). We had not informed him about her till now because we have been so tensed ourselves. Whenever he have sent him any message, he has promptly responded and called us personally."
Furthermore, she said that he had even invited them to his daughter Ira Khan's wedding. "He had a close bond with Suhani from the start. Even when his daughter (Ira Khan) got married recently, he had invited us all properly, we also got a call. But we could no go as Suhani had her fracture at that time. Therefore, we could not travel."
Earlier, Aamir Khan Production House confirmed the news in an Instagram post that read, "We are deeply saddened to hear about our Suhani passing away. Our heartfelt condolences to her mother Poojaji, and the entire family. Such a talented young girl, such a team player, Dangal would have been incomplete without Suhani." The note ended with, "Suhani, you will always remain a star in our hearts May you rest in peace (sic)."
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