Adivi Sesh¡¯s latest movie Major, which has already made a mark at the box office as it has minted over Rs 50 crore with both critics and audiences praising the actor's performance as Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan.?
The biographical action movie, directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka is continuing to get rave reviews from the audience and is thriving at the box office. However, reports suggest that the comments and support Adivi Sesh received from late Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's family and former colleague and friend had the greatest impact on him.?
Speaking to the media, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan colleague Razzaque Adil said after watching the film, "I have been waiting for this movie, MAJOR, ever since its making was announced." Razzaque Adil served with the late Major at the National Defence Academy and National Security Guard.?
Razzaque Adil further said that he had received a call from Adivi Sesh, who plays the role of his senior colleague (Sandy sir) and is the driving force behind the film. "Thanks to Sandeep¡¯s father. The sense of loss that I feel every time I remember Sandy reappeared as the end credits played,¡± the late Major?Sandeep Unnikrishnan¡¯s colleague said who further?elaborates that he was immensely proud of the reactions of the?people?who had no idea who he was at the?theatre?.?
"Many were solemn, most appeared sincerely saddened, and a few children appeared to be in tears,¡± he said.?
¡°It¡¯s a well-made movie that gets most of the facts & details accurate,"?he added about?Adivi Sesh¡¯s performance in the biopic.
Meanwhile Bollywood's veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan, who is all set to feature in?Brahmastra, Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor's debut onscreen project together, has sent his?wishes to Adivi Sesh for the biopic. Taking to twitter, Big B wrote, "#Major a film on the life of #MajorSandeepUnnikrishnan He is one of the saviours of Mumbai 26/11 . In theatres now" and added a couple of tags to his post.
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