Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar has withdrawn from an advertising campaign for a popular product of a Pan Masala brand. Akshay's apology comes after he faced backlash for featuring in an advertisement for Vimal elaichi.?
The TVC ad that irked fans starred Ajay Devgn driving a car while Shah Rukh is seen sitting next to him. Shah Rukh then says, ¡°Dekhein, kaun naya khiladi aaya hai (Let¡¯s see who is this new player).¡±?Akshay Kumar is then seen making a grand entry holding a packet of ¡®vimal elaichi¡¯.?
¡°I am sorry. I would like to apologize to you, all my fans and well-wishers. Your reaction over the past few days has deeply affected me¡±.
¡°With all humility, I step back. I have decided to contribute the entire endorsement fee towards a worthy cause. The brand might continue airing the ads till the legal duration of the contract that is binding upon me, but I promise to be extremely mindful in making my future choices. In return, I shall forever continue to ask for your love and wishes.?
Akshay Kumar.¡±
Akshay also promised his fans that he would make 'mindful' choices as an actor.
Actors Shah Rukh Khan and?Ajay Devgn collaborated for a Vimal ad for the first time in 2021.?
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