After Allu Arjun was released from Hyderabad's jail, people started criticising the Pushpa 2 star for not meeting the minor who was struggling for his life in the hospital after the stampede incident. A few hours ago, Allu Arjun posted a picture with a lengthy message on his Instagram account and explained why he chose not to see the minor or his relatives in the hospital. He also expressed his concern for the victim and after his post went viral, fans called Allu Arjun a kind man.?
The actor clarified in the statement that he has been told by his legal team not to see him or see his family at this time.
Taking to Instagram Allu Arjun wrote, ¡°I remain deeply concerned about young Sri Tej, who is under constant medical care after the unfortunate incident. Due to the ongoing legal proceedings, I have been advised not to visit him and his family at this time.?
He continued by saying that he is still praying for them and that he is determined to assume responsibility for meeting their family's and medical needs. He hopes to see him and his family as soon as possible and wishes him a quick recovery.
After the Pushpa 2 star showed his concern in his note, fans started praising him. Some even called him a real life hero.?
One wrote, ¡°Even though you are not the reason for the incident.. Still you promised to take care of the family..Respect for you sir.¡±
Another added, ¡°He is always very kind.¡±
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