TheNarcotics Control Bureau has filed a response to Aryan Khan¡¯s bail plea in BombayHigh Court. As per latest reports, the anti drug agency opposing Aryan¡¯s bailplea has stated that he is an influential person and thus tampering of evidenceor witness is likely.
NCB¡¯sreply also included a mention of SRK¡¯s manager Pooja Dadlani who has been namedin the affidavit. Sail had claimed that KP Gosavi, the private investigator whoseselfie with Aryan Khan went viral had planned to demand rupees 25 crore from PoojaDadlani to settle the case. Sail also revealed that the deal was settled for rupees 18 crore of which 8 crore was supposed to go to NCB officer SameerWankhede.
Theagency¡¯s reply stated, ¡°Affidavit clearly names one Pooja Dadlani, managerconnected to this applicant (Aryan Khan). It so appears that the said ladyappears to have influenced such panch witness when the investigation isongoing, such interference at the stage of investigation is a malafide attemptto ensure that the same is derailed and the quest of truth is obstructed.¡±
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Apart of the NCB¡¯s reply also highlights Sail¡¯s affidavit which made headlineson Sunday, ¡° Such a document has not been filed in any proceeding before anycourt despite the fact that the matter is sub-judice before Bombay High Courtand Sessions Court. Curiously, the same has been clandestinely distributed andwidely publicised in the media¡±.
WhileANI reported that Aryan Khan¡¯s lawyer files a counter affidavit in the BombayHC telling the Court that Aryan Khan has no connection with Prabhakar Sail orhis employer Kiran Gosavi. Also the applicant is not a party to the ongoing allegationsbetween NCB ZD and others, states the affidavit.
Theother side that has revealed in the case of Aryan Khan is that the WhatsAppchats of him and Ananya clearly has them talking about procuring drugs.
Asper reports, ¡° ?The first incriminatingmessage between Aryan and Ananya dated to July 2019 wherein the two discusseddrugs . In the conversation when Aryan mentioned weed, Ananya replied saying itis in demand. To this , he replied ¡° I will take it from you in secret¡± and Ananyareplied , ¡°Fine¡±.
WhileAnanya skipped the third summoned citing personal reasons.