Telugu actor Ravi Teja is being trolled for his romantic scenes with actress Bhagyasri Borse, who is? half his age. The scenes from the upcoming film of the actor named "Mr. Bachchan" have sparked debate among netizens over his sharing romantic moments with the actress at this age. For the unfamiliar, Teja is 56 and Borse is 25.?
While many people online enjoy the song from which the provocative scenes are questioned, the images and catchy dancing movements have sparked criticism.??
One of the users on X (former Twtter) wrote, "When they don't have content, then go to these kinds of cheap tricks. People must reject these kinds of things."
Another user wrote, "The actress and director should be equally criticized..They are only focusing on objectifying the women.. This promo and the previous one, there's no insights about the story or music rather only heroine's body is the main plot there."
A user taking a jibe at the critics wrote, "But the audience will still go to theatres and watch this, right? If the audience doesn¡¯t demand a radical change in policy, then it¡¯s never happening ." Ravi's supporters also said that the film should be accepted as an entertainer, and if fans like the chemistry between the actors, then age should not be a concern.?
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Another fans said, "Dude that's acting, Why do people compare reel to real?"
Mr. Bachchan is a Telugu-language film scheduled to be released on August 15, 2024. The film is a blend of action and romance. It is directed by Harish Shankar, and its music is by Mickey J. Meyer.?
As conversations heat up online, the film's box office performance will most likely determine the long-term consequences of this divisive promotional effort.
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