Shah Rukh Khan¡¯s wife and interior designer Gauri Khan is recently seen hosting a show named ¡®Dream Homes with Gauri Khan¡¯. The show revolves around Gauri collaborating with different Bollywood celebrities to transform their homes. In one of the episodes, Farah Khan was spotted gracing the show and sharing her thoughts on Gauri and their relationship.
According to Farah, even after seeing such stardom feathers in Gauri¡¯s cap and knowing her for three decades, the interior designer continues to be the same old middle-class Punjabi girl. Farah Khan was seen quoting, "She (Gauri) got married and Shah Rukh brought her to Goa. We were shooting for Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa. And I met her on a Goa beach. She was a free spirit. She was wearing a swimsuit and a sarong. We bonded literally in the ocean. From then on it felt like I had met some very old college friends or school friends because +we all got along like a house on fire.¡±
Quoting how she perceives Gauri as a person, Farah said, ¡°So I know her from 1990, which is 32 years. The best thing about Gauri is that she hasn't changed at all, and that's a very good, a very rare trait that you find in Bollywood with the success and the money and people fawning over you. She has remained a middle-class Punjabi girl to date. I think that for me, is the best part about her."
"Gauri is doing too well. I am very proud of her. I know her from the time when she was a young girl who just got married and came from Delhi. She is doing too good. She is an exceptional mother, she is a great wife. She runs a great house. Her children are beautiful. She handles everything. I have seen her with her parents, her mother, her family. She is very family-oriented and she is a yaaron ka yaar (friend amongst friends). If she is your friend, then she is your friend for life¡±, Farah said.
For the facts, Gauri married Shah Rukh Khan in 1991 much before he became a successful Bollywood actor. Apart from her interior designing business, Gauri is also the co-owner of her and Shah Rukh's film production and distribution company Red Chillies Entertainment.
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