Shah Rukh Khan's co-star of several movies and close friend Juhi Chawla has shown up for his family. According to a report in India Today, Juhi Chawla has signed Aryan Khan's bail surety of Rs 1 lakh.?
Before Aryan Khan gets home, lawyers are busy fulfilling all the formalities for his release.?
Nearly 25 days after they were detained by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the cruise ship drug bust case, the Bombay High Court granted bail to actor Shahrukh Khan¡¯s son Aryan Khan.?
The court also granted bail to co-accused Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha in their pleas against rejection of their bail applications by the special NDPS court.
1. Each of them will have to execute a personal bond of ?1 lakh with one or more sureties in a similar amount.
2. They shall not attend any such party from where they were arrested.
3. They shall not establish communication with co-accused or any person involved directly or indirectly in similar activities.
4. They shall not undertake any action prejudicial to the proceedings before the special court.
5. They shall not make any attempt to tamper evidence, influence witnesses -- neither personally nor through anyone.
6. They shall surrender their passports to the special court immediately.
7. They are barred from making any statement in any form in the media, including social media.
8. They shall not leave the country without permission from special judge NDPS.?
9. To travel outside Mumbai, they will have to inform the investigating officer and will have to give him the itinerary.
10. They will have to report to the NCB Mumbai office each Friday between 11 am and 2pm to mark their presence.
11. They shall attend all the dates in the Court unless prevented by any reasonable cause.
12. They shall join the investigation as and when called upon to do so before the authorities of NCB.
13. Once the trial begins, they shall not in any manner try to delay the trial.
14. If they violate any of these terms, NCB shall be entitled to straightaway apply to the Special Judge/Court for cancellation of their bail.
"We are prepared with our sureties. We are hoping to get the order copy from the high court today. Once we get it, we will submit it along with all the necessary documents to the special NDPS court," Aryan Khan's lawyer Satish Maneshinde told news agency PTI.
Reports claim that the Khan family is preparing for Aryan's homecoming. Shah Rukh Khan has left his residence Mannat ahead of his son Aryan Khan's release.?
The police have made special arrangements outside Mannat for his arrival.? ?
The procedure for his release has not yet been completed and his release memo is yet to be signed by authorities.