Kings XI Punjab cricketer Harpreet Brar who recently won praises for his strong batting lineup that took his team to victory against Royal Challengers Bangalore on Friday has once again grabbed the limelight for taking a sharp dig at Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar.??
The all-rounder shared a screenshot of a message that a fan had sent him. He was told by the fan that he looked strikingly similar to Akshay Kumar's character in the popular film Singh Is Bling, which had release in 2015. For the unversed, Kumar played the role of turbend Sikh in the movie.
"Paaji aap singh is bling ke Akshay Kumar dikhte ho (Brother, you look like Akshay Kumar in the movie Singh is Bliing)," wrote the fan.
In response to that Harpreet wrote, "Paise k liye nhi Turban nhi pehnte hum (I don't wear a turban for money)". He also added a hashtag - #isupportfarmers.
People had mixed reactions to his response.?
"Akshay kumar is an artist dude irrespective of his political stand or ideology....And artist have the freedom to do diverse roles. If you think those who doesn't have a permanent turban shouldn't play these roles then my friend who will represent these characters....," wrote a fan.
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