James Bond franchise has released a touching video to pay a tribute to their former 007 actor Roger Moore, who passed away on May 23 in Switzerland after a brief battle with cancer.
Kelowna Now
With seven Bond films including Live and Let Die and The Spy Who Loved Me, Moore played the role more often than any of the other Bonds such as Sean Connery and Daniel Craig.
The video was launched by the franchise on their official Twitter account by posting, "Bond, James Bond. Nobody does it better. We remember Sir Roger Moore."
Set to the theme from the 1977 film The Spy Who Loved Me, Carly Simons Nobody Does It Better,? the two-minute-long clip presents all of Moore's most memorable moments from seven films as 007.
Pierce Brosnan, who is the fifth star to essay the role of British spy 007, had said Moore was the "greatest" James Bond in his era who paved the way for other actors to portray the popular fictional character on screen.
Sir Roger Moore was the greatest Bond of his time. He embraced the role with an easy charm and grace that let us all in on the game.