Janhvi Kapoor is preparing for the release of the sports drama Mr and Mrs Mahi. The actor was joined by co-star Rajkummar Rao and producer Karan Johar in a fresh talk that was shared on Dharma Productions' official YouTube page. Janhvi talked about being 'sexualized' at an early age. Janhvi Kapoor remembers attending a function with her parents, mother Sridevi and father Boney Kapoor, after which her photos appeared on an unsuitable website. The actor stated that she was just 12-13 years old at the time.?
¡°I feel like this is also an aspect that I have been navigating for a long time. I think the first time I felt sexualized by the media was when I was 12-13 years old. I went for an event with mom and dad. There were pictures of me in the media and social media had just started. I found pictures of me in what seemed like a pornographic site, and boys in my school were like looking at it and laughing.¡±
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She added,? ¡°It is a very weird thing to navigate and I have been navigating it for a very long time. I think I am very apologetic about where I come from and I need to get over that. I am sure other people deal with it in a much more different sense. I still think the way I am explaining it and my experiences of it are very privileged. But it was complicated¡ There is a sort of character assassination that a girl faces when she dresses in a way that makes it seem like she is comfortable with her sexuality.¡±
In Mr and Mrs Mahi, Janhvi Kapoor plays a doctor who enjoys cricket. Her spouse (Rajkummar) trains her to become a cricket player. Sharan Sharma directs the picture, which hits theaters on May 31.
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