Notorious for passing controversial and derogatory remarks against popular personalities, especially Bollywood stars, Kamaal R Khan, also known as KRK, was arrested yesterday. While Twitter celebrated his arrest over controversial tweets about Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan, he was hospitalised hours after his arrest on the complaint of chest pain.?
Why so? The NCW has asked Maharashtra Police to book him?for making derogatory remarks against women. KRK who arrived in Mumbai late on Monday night was soon arrested after he landed and was sent to 14-day judicial custody.?
Also Read:?'Mooh Se Gutka Thook Ke Baat Kar', KRK's Fake English Accent Leaves People In Splits
"@NCWIndia has come across a few posts of Kamal R Khan making derogatory remarks about women on social media. Chairperson @sharmarekha has written to @DGPMaharashtra to book him under relevant provisions for his comments on women. Action taken must be apprised to the Commission," the NCW said in a tweet.??
In 2020, KRK had tweeted,?"Just on a serious note, I said a few days ago that #Corona can¡¯t go back without taking a few famous people. I didn¡¯t write names at that time because ppl could have abused me. But I knew that Irfan and Rishi will go. And I know, who is the next one also," he wrote in the tweet.
He also wrote in another tweet, "Rishi Kapoor has admitted in?HN Reliance Hospital. And I want to say to him:- Sir Theek Hokar Jaldi Wapis Aana! Nikal Mat Lena!"
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