First, Kangana Ranaut accused Karan Johar who she called "the flagbearer of nepotism" for faking the box office collections of Brahmastra. Then, she said she would like to interview him to "understand why is he declaring gross collection of Brahmastra and not nett collection?"?
He wrote, "Kangana thinks like ED, NIA, CBI, Dharma productions is also under central government" and added a few laughing emojis.?
"I want to interview Karan johar and understand why is he declaring gross collection of Brahmastra and not nett collection? What is the desperation? Also after making Rs 60 cr (that¡¯s the nett collection they have declared, I don¡¯t believe in this number but nett amount India is 60cr for two days according to them). Even if we believe them, how come Rs 650 cr film emerged a hit already."
On Instagram, she wrote, "People like Karan Johar should be questioned for their conduct, he is more interested in everyone¡¯s sex life than in his films scripts, he self admittedly buys reviews, stars and fake collection numbers and tickets¡ this time around he tried to ride Hinduism and south wave¡ all turned Pujaris suddenly and begged south actors, writers and directors to promote their film... they will do everything but not hire competent writer, director, actors and other talent¡ why not in the first place hire those they went begging to fix this disaster called Brahmastra."??
Taking to Instagram, she wrote, "Everyone who called @ayan mukerji a genius should be jailed immediately¡ he took 12 years to make this film, he replaced 14 DOP¡¯s he shot for more than 400 days for this film and changed 85 AD¡¯s and burnt 600 crores to ashes¡ Also tried to exploit religious sentiments by changing the film name from Jalaluddin Rumi to Shiva last minute, because of Bahubali success¡ Such opportunists, such creativity deprived people, success starved greedy people if called geniuses then it¡¯s not manipulation but a well thought of strategy to call din ko raat and raat ko din..."
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