The failure of dad-to-be Ranbir Kapoor¡¯s latest outing Shamshera at the box office was quite unexpected. The film received harsh reviews from critics and went on to mint around Rs 31.75 crore on its first weekend.?
Shamshera marked Ranbir Kapoor's return to the big screen after almost a 4-year hiatus since his film Sanju released in 2018. Directed by Karan Malhotra, Shamshera was released on July 22.?
Actor Sanjay Dutt was also playing a lead character in the film apart from Ranbir Kapoor. Moreover, the film's earning has further dropped 65% after underperforming last weekend.?
Soon after, users took to comment on Karan Malhotra's Instagram post and shared that they love Shamshera and some even claimed to have watched the film more than one time.?
"Three cheers to the entire team of shamshera for putting up all the hard work,blood and guys have done a great proud of it! Success and failure are the part of the game..keep your chin up,own you film and move on to the next one ?? To- @karanmalhotra21 ,ekta and everyone who worked on the film ????," TV actor Rohit Purohit wrote on the comment section of Karan's Instagram post.?
Another said, "Perfectly act done by #ranbirkapoor ??love the both characters shamshera & balli ??feeling bad for him ?his hardwork & totally waste his talent ?????"?
A fourth person wrote, "Sir, I am sure Shamshera will be a cult film in the future and people will realize what they missed in the theatres. It doesn't deserve any of the hate it is getting and your hardwork and passion towards the project is visible in each frame. Huge respect?."?
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