Actor-comedian Raju Srivastava has finally regained his consciousness on Thursday (August 25), 15 days after being hospitalised. The comedian has been monitored by some of the top doctors at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi and is still being treated.?
The news of Raju Srivastava regaining consciousness has been confirmed by the actor's close friend and comedian Ahsaan Qureshi. Qureshi, who has been in touch with Raju Srivastava's family since his heart attack, has now revealed that Raju 'blinked' to respond.?
Reportedly, Raju's personal secretary Garvit Narang has also revealed that his health condition is improving. The 58-year-old comedian was rushed to AIIMS on Aug 10 after he complained of chest pain and collapsing while he was working out at the gym.?
Reports suggest that he was running on a treadmill when he suffered the heart attack. At the time, comedian Raju Srivastava 's brother claimed the attack was mild.
Raju Srivastava's brother Dipoo Srivastava had earlier dismissed reports that the comedian was taken off the ventilator.?
It was even reported that doctors had declared Raju Srivastava brain dead. However, the comedian's brother Dipoo issued a public statement via a video message. "He is a fighter and will soon come back winning the battle and will entertain everyone with his comedy," Dipoo said in his message.?
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