The queen of controversies Rakhi Sawant has apparently tied the knot for the second time with her boyfriend?Adil Khan Durrani. She has also accepted Islam and has added Fatima to her name, as per the photo of Nikah Nama doing the rounds. While everything seemed to be good, the Main Hoon Na actress has now hinted that her husband has cheated on her.?
Rakhi Sawant and Adil Khan Durrani got married in May. As per the photos doing the rounds of her Nikah Nama, she changed her name to Rakhi Sawant Fatima. Now, seven month later, she has hinted Adil is cheating on her.
In an interview with ETimes, the ultimate item dance girl of Bollywood said, "I don't know why he's hiding our marriage. I told him this morning that this further and not far; it's time I declare our marriage. Is he scared of his parents? Or is he doing this because he has married a Hindu girl?"
She added, "We are husband and wife and still staying together. But a lot is happening between us that I don't want to reveal now. I shall open the cards when the time is right. I want to remain married to Adil and I am sure about that. I have seen a few things that make me feel that a lot has happened."
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Meanwhile, as she announced her marriage with Adil, she wrote on social media, "Finally, I¡¯m so happy I am revealing my marriage after seven months#rakhisawant".
Ritesh's first wife Snigdha Priya had said, "I still can¡¯t believe how he managed to marry a celebrity like Rakhi. According to me, it¡¯s a lie and so are his claims of being an NRI and owning a company. How can Ritesh pose as Rakhi Sawant¡¯s husband on Bigg Boss 15? He is still married to me. This is against the law."
In the midst of all the drama, Rakhi Sawant broke ties with Ritesh. She is now married to Adil Khan Durrani, but looks like there's trouble in the marriage again. Is Adil cheating on her? What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.
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