Will trolling celebrities on social media solve the problem? Soon after Sushant Singh Rajput's demise, the nepotism debate once again made its way to social media, and several insensitive people started trolling celebrities like Karan Johar, Alia Bhatt and Sonam Kapoor among others. Mean things were said and written to these celebrities. But does this solve the problem?
Actress Rhea Chakraborty, who was reportedly dating Sushant Singh Rajput, is the latest victim to cyber bullying. Not only has she been called a gold digger, she has also been called a murderer apart from being slut-shamed.?
Finally breaking her silence and sharing screenshots of offensive and insensitive messages that she has received, Chakraborty wrote, "enough is enough."
"But how does my silence give you the right to tell me that you will get me raped and murdered if I don''t commit suicide @mannu_raaut?" the actor wrote tagging one of the accounts from which she received threat.?
Meanwhile, Subramanian Swamy has written a letter to PM Modi urging for CBI investigation in Sushant Singh Rajput's death. On the other hand, Bihar MP and Jan Adhikar Party's Pappu Yadav had written a letter to Home Minister Amit Shah seeking CBI inquiry into the matter. On July 9, the home minister acknowledged his request and forwarded his letter to concerned authority.?