Rishab Shetty, whose latest film Kantara has been hailed as a 'masterpiece' by many in Bollywood, has expressed that he doesn't want his film to be remade in Hindi.?
The actor-director is currently basking in the success of his latest Kannada release and has received much appreciation from audiences and critics alike for Kantara.?Since the movie has already been dubbed in Hindi, Rishab Shetty said that there's no chance for a Hindi remake.?
Moreover, Rishab Shetty's Kantara has turned out to be a blockbuster movie this year and is making waves since its release on September 30, 2022. The film has not only won over the south audiences but also impressed movie lovers in non-Kannada-speaking regions.?
While the film has already garnered much love from the audiences, some people believe that the Rishab Shetty film deserves to be sent to the Oscars.?According to the media outlet, Rishab was also asked to share his views on people rooting for Kantara's official entry to the Academy Awards 2023.?
Other than in Hindi, the Kannada film was also dubbed and released in several other languages. reports suggest that the Hindi version of Kantara, which was released by the makers on October 14, 2022, has fared extremely well at the box office.?
However, when asked if there's no chance of a Hindi remake of Kantara, Rishab told the Times Of India, "Yeah, that's better" as he feels his masterpiece Kantara shouldn't be remade in Hindi.?
The actor-filmmaker further expressed that he did not work for success but because he love working.?
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