Amid the Salman Khan-Lawrence Bishnoi gang tussle, a recent interview of the Bollywood actor's father, Salim Khan, is going viral where he has said that his son was not even involved in the Black Buck case that has triggered the Bishnoi community. In the interview given to media outlet ABP News, Salim Khan, who is also a veteran screenwriter of Bollywood, addressed the long-standing controversy and said that he talked to his son years ago when all of this happened and asked him if he was also involved, but he clearly said he was not there. Salim said Salman loves animals and cannot hurt them. The father said the case still haunts the actor even after so many years.
?Watch the full interview on ABP/YT
During the exclusive interview, Salim Khan expressed his frustration over the threats that Salman has been receiving for years now. Salim was almost in tears when he started speaking and asked the interviewer to ask whatever she wants to; don't know whether there would be an opportunity in the future or not.
Salim said, "Puchlijie fir mauka mile na mile."?Salim further in the interview said if Salman apologises to the Bishnoi community, this will mean that he has done the crime, but he has not. So why will he apologise?.
The blackbuck poaching case started with an alleged hunting incident in 1998. It was during the shooting of Hum Saath Saath Hain in Rajasthan that actor Salman Khan, along with other co-stars including Sonali Bendre, Tabu, and more, were accused of hunting endangered blackbucks. What made it worse was that the incident hurt religious sentiments of the Bishnoi community, as Black Buck species is sacred to them. The case took several legal turns, with Salman spending time in jail and fighting the charges. Others were given clean chit in the case.
Apart from the court saga, Salim Khan has been receiving life-threatening calls from a gangster named Lawrence Bishnoi belonging to the Bishnoi community that he will kill him if he does not apologise and visit the temple.?
Tensions among the family and friends of Salman are on the rise as Baba Siddique, a close friend of Salman, was killed recently, and the Lawrence Bishnoi claimed responsibility, saying they will kill all who remain close to Salman now.?
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