Shekhar Suman recently tweeted that a cocaine-addict actress has fallen flat on her face. Twitter was quick to guess that he was talking about Kangana Ranaut whose recently released film?Rangoon didn¡¯t perform quite well at the box office.
It has been quite a long time that we saw Shekhar Suman in films or on TV. But it seems that he is keeping a close watch on what¡¯s happening in the industry. He recently tweeted about ¡°cocained actress¡± and her failure and Twitter guessed that he was talking about Kangana Ranaut.
This is not the first time that the Suman family has taken a dig at Kangana Ranaut. During the Hrithik-Kangana row, when the two stars were slapping each other with legal notices, Adhyayan Suman spoke about Kangana at length accusing his alleged former girlfriend of practicing black magic and serving him food mixed with her "impure blood."