Every year as Shah Rukh Khan celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi and he is brutally criticised for the same. Sara Ali Khan visited the Kedarnath temple and even celebrated Maha Shivrati recently. She was attacked too.?
He first thought of ignoring such comments but as they grew larger in number, he posted a video - thus hitting back at the trolls.?
In the video, Shaan who wished Akshay Trithiya to fans the next day, said, "I have been seeing the comments on it, that why, despite being a Hindu, I posted that where I am dressed as Muslims would. I have gone to the Golden Temple as well and shared photos where you are required to cover your head. But there, I did not see such reactions. Even on occasions like Ram Navami, we post pictures wearing ethnic Indian clothes for the feel of it. I fail to comprehend how respecting a faith or culture can possibly hurt your religion."
He added, "This is not a justification, but because I wanted to talk about this a bit more. If you want to give that occasion or moment its due respect in a certain way, why is there such an issue over it? That post or that wish is not going to change the way I feel about my faith or you about yours. So why so much noise over it? We are a progressive nation. Agar hum me tolerance na ho toh kaise aagey badhenge. I want people to think about these things. I am a Hindu and Brahmin, but I am also a person and I am an Indian, so I know how to respect everyone¡¯s culture."
Fans are now applauding Shaan in the comments section. What are your thoughts on his Eid post, let us know in the comments section below.
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