The beloved Mollywood actor Thomas Burleigh Kurishingal has passed away at the age of 92. The actor, born on September 1, 1932, in Kerala, has left an indelible mark on the world of movies. Here's all about his work so far that has inspired many in the same field:?
Thomas Burleigh Kurishingal started his acting journey at the age of 21. He made his debut via the Malayalam movie Thiramala. Thomas shared the screen space with senior actor Sathyan back then.
Thomas played one of the youngest leading men in his Malayalam movies, but his talent expanded beyond the boundaries of regional cinema.
Since Thomas always had a passion for acting, he shifted to the US and studied at the University of California, Los Angeles.
At the time when he was near Hollywood, he worked on small roles in many films and television projects. He even played many Mexican characters. He worked on projects like Never So Few.
Thomas returned to India after spending several years in the US. He returned to his own country in 1969 and ventured into the seafood export business before rekindling his passion for movies.
As a director, Thomas then gave movies like Ithu Manushyano and Vellarikkaappattanam.
Other than acting, Thomas was interested in violin playing, painting, and writing. He even produced a film called Maya. The actor even contributed to poetry, memoirs, and historical novels. His work beyond films included Beyond Heart, Fragrant Petals, O Kerala, and Sacred Savage.
Thomas was married to Sophy and now has three children. Until his death, the actor lived in his ancestral home in Kerala's Kochi.?