After Rahul Bose paid an exorbitant price of Rs 442 for a pair of bananas, the probe on luxury hotel JW Marriott Chandigarh is on. The hotel has been issued a show-cause notice as to why it charged GST for an item which is tax-free. Meanwhile, according to reports, JW Marriott is likely to pay a fine of Rs 25,000.
Rahul Bose became a trending topic on social media after he posted a video showing the two bananas he ordered and also the amount of money he was charged for it at JW Marriott. The bill amounted Rs 442.50 and everyone went berserk.
Now, according to a report on Daily Pioneer, the hotel chain may have to pay Rs 25,000 as penalty for charging Rs 442 for two two bananas. "A day before, the team of UT Excise and Taxation Department had also seized documents related to the sale in the hotel to check whether they have been depositing regularly the relevant tax to the department or not. We are checking the violations from all angles and will act against the hotel authorities accordingly," an officer was quoted as saying.
Meanwhile, people are hailing Taj Hotels as the chain is offering free fruits to its customers. This was brought to limelight after one Twitter user shared a photograph of Taj Hotel¡¯s note revealing the same. ¡°We would be delighted to serve seasonal fresh whole fruits with our compliments. Please call in room dining to place your request,¡± it reads.