Kudumbasthan box office collection day 5: Kudumbasthan, which hit the screens on January 24, has emerged as a winner at the domestic box office despite releasing amid virtually no fanfare. The film collected Rs 1 crore on the first day. It subsequently witnessed good growth over the weekend. The film continued its run on Tuesday, January 28. Kudumbasthan is a comedy drama, directed by Rajeshwar Kalisamy.?
Kudumbasthan, starring Manikandan, has emerged as a surprise hit at the box office and received rave reviews from the audience. According to Sacnilk, a trade website, the film earned Rs 78 lakh on its first Tuesday. This is lower than the Rs 99 lakh it made on Monday (January 27).?
Here is the day-wise breakdown for Kudumbasthan:
Day 1: Rs 1 crore
Day 2: Rs 2.2 crore
Day 3: Rs 3.15 crore
Day 4: Rs 0.99 crore
Day 5: Rs 0.78 crore
The film's total collection stands at Rs 8.12 crore. Kudumbasthan has received positive reviews with critics praising the performances and the comic elements. The healthy word-of-mouth is one of the biggest reasons behind it emerging as the top choice of the audience.
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