Veteran Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi was injured in a road accident involving her car near Khalapur on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, the police said on Saturday.?
The injured actress was brought out of the car and admitted to a hospital in Navi Mumbai.?It is not immediately clear whether Akhtar was also injured, but another unidentified woman is reported to be seriously hurt.
Azmi¡¯s husband and lyricist Javed Akhtar, who was traveling behind her in a separate car - an Audi - was safe as his car wasn't involved in the crash, the police said.?
¡°The Safari was being driven by Azmi¡¯s driver followed by the Audi. The driver tried to overtake and ended up crashing into the moving truck from the rear,¡± said Vishwajeet Kainjade, an inspector at Khalapur police station.
Reports claim that Highway police patrol teams were rushed to investigate the accident site.?