Actress Uorfi Javed slammed entrepreneur Mannan Dattah on Monday evening after a video of him making offensive and crude remarks about women being raped went viral. Uorfi criticised him for his words and warned her followers to avoid him.Dattah, who is supposedly a self-defence teacher and the head of a chain of martial arts academies, recently stated in a video that when ladies contact him for self-defence training, the first thing he advises them is that what they wear is very important.
"All women get pissed off by it. They argue that a 4-year-old child also gets raped and a woman in burqa also gets raped. Valid point. But tell me something, if I tell you that there's a very bad area, a crime den, and you go there wearing rolex on one wrist, carrying iPhone in the other hand, and with a bag full of cash, and if something happens, then it would be your mistake right? You can't say that those criminals need to fix themselves," the entrepreneur said in the video.?
As soon as the video got viral, Uorfi posted it on her Instagram account, slamming the entrepreneur for his statements.?
Javed wrote on her Instagram stories, "I see a bank, there is no security, I rob the bank cmon they were literally advertising their money, they were literally asking for it. According to statistics, 90% of the r*pes were committed by people known to the victim. This crime happens more in rural areas than urban areas. Now if you're walking on street a murderer unalives you, who do blame? The victim? Murderer? Or the weapon? A murderer was just acting on its instincts! Why are you walking with your body so freely available to be unalived! (sic)."
She went on to say, "Does this man think women are deliberately going to dangerous places wearing short clothes cause they want to get r*ped? You think woman don't care about their security? How easy is it to blame everything on a woman's clothing except for blaming the r*pist! Please do your research. Imagine if we started blaming other victims the same way? (sic)."
"Ladies stay away from such men. If he is a teacher, ladies do not go to this man. It's 2025, we don't need a man victim blaming woman (sic)," she added.
Dattah has yet to reply to the controversy surrounding the video.
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