Vanangaan, starring Arun Vijay, is set to hit the screens on January 10 much to the delight of movie buffs. The action drama has created a fair deal of buzz among fans as it is directed by Bala, a filmmaker known for his raw and realistic brand of storytelling.?It was initially supposed to feature Suriya and Krithi Shetty in the lead but that did not happen. The director eventually revived the film with Arun Vijay stepping into the Kanguva actor¡¯s shoes. Similarly, Roshini Prakash replaced the Uppena actress.? With the new lead cast in place, Vanangaan went on the floors in March 2023. The film was finally wrapped up in April the next year.?
Here is a look at everything one needs to know about the first major Tamil release of the year.?
Vanangaan is an action drama that features Arun Vijay in an intense avatar. Going by the intense trailer, the film centres on a hearing? and speech impaired man who decides to take the law into his hands after witnessing a heinous crime.?
?The narrative delves into his backstory and tries to lay bare the incidents that compel him to become a vigilante. Going by what Bala did in films such as Sethu and Naachiyaar , one can expect it to feature intense action scenes and dark twists. There may also be a liberal dose of strong language.?
Vanangaan features Arun Vijay in the lead and marks his first collaboration with Bala. The actor, who made his big screen debut in 1995, has carved a niche for himself in Tamil cinema with his work in films such as Ajith Kumar¡¯s? Yennai Arindhaal and the AL Vijay-directed Mission: Chapter 1.? ?Roshini Prakash plays the leading lady opposite Arun Vijay in the film. She is best known for her work in Jada and the Tamannaah-led web series 11th Hour.?
The cast of Vanangaan also includes Samuthirkani, John Vijay, director Mysskin, and Radha Ravi.??
The film¡¯s songs are composed by GV Prakash Kumar. Vanangaan is set to hit the screens on January 10.?
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