Varun has now confirmed the news, and he says he is excited to play the role.?"Playing a soldier has always been my dream. After I heard Arun Khetrapals story I was honestly shocked that this could actually happen!? I understood why Dinoo and Sriram were so passionate about it. And after I met Aruns brother Mukesh Khetarpal I was moved, I too have a brother and I can't fathom what he must have gone through," he told Mumbai Mirror.?
He added that he thinks it is the most important film of his career.
Director Raghavan was a kid when the war had took place. However, he remembers putting black paper on the windows during the war.??"So when Dinoo (producer Dinesh Vijan) asked me to make a film around the subject, I found it daunting initially. Movies set in wartime have always moved me, forced me to reconsider. This is a solid story told over two generations of soldiers," he said.