The Ajith Kumar-led Vidaamuyarchi was set to hit the screens on January 10. However, in an unexpected development, the makers of the biggie recently announced that it would not be able to keep its date with the audience. The latest reports suggest that the Lyca Productions-backed film may now arrive in theatres on January 26. Vidaamuyarchi is a thriller, directed by Magizh Thirumeni.?
Vidaamuyarchi, one of the biggest films of the year, was set to hit the screens on January 10 on the occasion of Pongal. The makers, however, decided to postpone its release at the last minute.?
?The latest reports suggest that the film is now expected to hit the screens on January 26. There is, however, also a possibility of it opening in theatres in the first week of February if it isn¡¯t ready in time for Republic Day. One is likely to get clarity on this in the days to come.?
Vidaamuyarchi is a thriller that centres on the events that take place when a couple¡¯s life is upside down after a mysterious villain apparently abducts the wife. It features Ajith in a striking new avatar. The film stars Trisha as the leading lady and is one of the biggest films of her career. The cast includes Regina Cassandra, Arjun Sarja, and Ramya Subramanian. It is said to be an adaptation of Breakdown. Vidaamuyarchi is directed by Magizh Thirumeni, best known for his work on Thadam and Arya¡¯s Meaghamann.?
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