The Gautam Buddh Nagar police announced that under the rule of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), Section 144 will be enforced in Noida and Greater Noida. This will take place from January 21 to 26, coinciding with the consecration ceremony at the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22 and the Republic Day celebrations on January 26.
During this period, certain restrictions will be in place to maintain peace and security. The measures are aimed at ensuring a smooth and orderly observance of the consecration ceremony and Republic Day events.
Residents and visitors need to be aware of these restrictions and cooperate with the authorities to ensure a safe and harmonious environment. Your understanding and support are crucial in making these events successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.
The restrictions detailed in an order by Additional DCP (law and order) Hridesh Katheriya, include a prohibition on gatherings of five or more people, unauthorized parades, and protests, along with other related activities.
Katheriya added, "The live telecast of Shri Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha is scheduled on January 22 along with a Diwali program. Furthermore, the birth anniversary of late Hazrat Ali on January 25 and the Republic Day festivities on January 26. Additionally, there are plans for occasional protests and demonstrations by different groups, including farmers."
Because of these incidents, there is a chance that troublemakers could disrupt the peace. It's important to make proper plans for the safe execution of authorized events, as mentioned by Katheriya. To ensure peace and harmony in the Gautam Buddh Nagar Commissionerate, it is important to take precautions to prevent any activities that might create an unfavorable situation, he highlighted.
Considering the urgency and seriousness of the situation, the Additional DCP stated that, due to time constraints, it is not possible to provide a hearing opportunity to any other party. Therefore, this order is being passed ex-parte. The order will be effective for six days, until January 26.
In Lucknow, Upendra Kumar Agarwal, the Joint Commissioner of Police, has mentioned that they have issued orders to restrict certain activities under Section 144 CrPC. This action was taken in preparation for the Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha ceremony on January 22, Republic Day, and the upcoming festivals. The restrictions will be in place until March 18, 2024, unless the order is lifted earlier.
The inauguration ceremony for the new idol of Lord Ram as a child, sculpted by artist Arun Yogiraj from Mysuru, is scheduled for January 22. Prime Minister Modi is expected to perform the Pran Pratishtha during the event. The idol has been carefully placed in the temple's inner sanctum, and this momentous occasion holds significance for devotees.
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