India awoke to shocking news on Thursday - renowned actor Saif Ali Khan had been stabbed in his own home and was undergoing emergency surgery at a hospital. The incident occurred while Khan was at home with his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their two children, all asleep in what was assumed to be the safety of their high-security residence. The police have labelled it a case of robbery, but the public remains unconvinced¡ªfuelling a whirlwind of speculation.
Now that the 54-year-old actor is out of danger and recovering, the internet is abuzz with theories. Many are convinced this was not a simple robbery gone wrong or a random accident.?
Questions are mounting about how such an attack could happen to a high-profile celebrity in a supposedly secure home, leading some to believe there's more to this story than what meets the eye.?
Here are two major conspiracy theories floating around:
1. How did the thief manage to run away?
Questions are swirling around how such an incident could occur in a building with high security and numerous residents. Many are baffled at how the miscreant managed to escape.
During a press conference, Mumbai Police stated, "One accused has been identified, and as per the investigation, he used the staircase."
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan reside in a 12-storey building called Satguru Sharan. Their home spans four floors, each with a 3BHK apartment, covering approximately 3,000 square feet in total. The couple also enjoys an exclusive terrace and a private swimming pool.
2.?Could some insider be involved?
Given the high level of security around Saif Ali Khan's residence, suspicions are mounting that the perpetrator could be someone from the inside.
"Only an internal person can be so much prepared that created deep wounds," speculated one observer.??
In a statement, Dr. Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, had shared details of Saif¡¯s condition: ¡°Saif sustained six injuries¡ªtwo are minor, two intermediate, and two deep injuries. One of the injuries is on the back, close to the spine.¡±
The circumstances surrounding the incident have only deepened the mystery.
The Mumbai Police have assembled 10 dedicated teams to conduct a thorough investigation into the attack. Among those involved is encounter specialist Officer Daya Nayak, who was reportedly seen arriving at Saif Ali Khan's residence.
Reports also indicate that Officer Nayak was accompanied by a full team of crime branch officials as they began their inquiry into the incident.
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