Celebrity hairstylist Amit Thakur, who boasts an impressive clientele of A-listers including Alia Bhatt, Nita Ambani, Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif, Kiara Advani and many more. He recently posted a short clip on his Instagram account talking about hair botox and keratin. In the video, he explained what basically are these treatments that have become so common these days. And even though many are getting hair botox or keratin done, he revealed why he personally never recommends them to his clients.
Amit posted a series of short clips where she revealed that he recently did an AMA (ask me anything) session and the most asked question was about hair botox and keratin treatments. In the video, he first explained what these treatments are and why people generally get them.??
Talking about hair botox first, he said, hair botox is actually a deep conditioning treatment containing proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants. This is a temporary treatment, lasting usually 2-4 months, which coats the outer layer of your hair stands and seals these nutrients.
Talking about keratin treatment, he explained that keratin is a protein which is already naturally present in your hair. Adding, "But in this treatment, there are certain chemicals like formaldehyde, which is actually banned in many countries because it is carcinogenic and can cause cancer.¡±??
After explaining about both the treatments, Amit divulged that the basic nature of these treatments is the biggest reason he never recommends them, He shared. "Even though hair botox is gentler on your hair, both treatments involve the usage of heat to seal the nutrients in your hair." Adding that whenever excessive heat is used on the hair, it fundamentally changes the structure of the natural proteins present in your hair.
In the end, he highlighted even though these treatments can give you short-term results, like frizz-free or smoother hair, they can actually damage your hair in the long run. Elaborating how people fall into the vicious cycle of getting these treatments done again and again, Amit said, "I don't recommend any of these treatments to my clients for two main reasons: one, I am a natural hair texture person and two, I encourage my clients to work on habits that will improve their hair health in the long-term.¡±
So, there you have it folks! No keratin or hair botox according to the stylist of almost all Bollywood divas.
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