Nita Ambani, chairperson and founder of Reliance Foundation and the wife of India's richest man Mukesh Ambani (Forbes, October 2024), was recently spotted in Bengaluru, indulging in some saree shopping while cruising in her lavish Rs 10 crore Mercedes-Benz S600 Guard. In a hilarious video from her shopping spree that has has gone viral, a woman is seen arguing with Nita Ambani's bodyguard as she walks towards the car. The amusing confrontation quickly turned the woman into an unlikely hero, with the internet loving every moment of it!
The 60-year-old Nita Ambani, a resident of Antilia in Mumbai, was in Bengaluru recently for shopping.?Images and videos of the Mumbai Indians owner leaving a Bengaluru designer saree boutique, 'The House of Angadi,' have recently made the rounds on social media.
What went viral, however, is a video of the Reliance Industries director leaving the shop. In the clip, she is seen waving at the crowd and folding her hands in gratitude before entering her bulletproof car.
The video gained attention because a woman standing near the front right side of the car appears to be arguing with one of Ambani's guards.?
While the conversation is unclear, it seems she's frustrated by the traffic caused by the car blocking the road as Nita Ambani prepares to leave.
The internet has rallied behind the woman, hailing her as a hero for standing up to the situation.
Bengaluru aunty in argument with Nita Ambani's bodyguard for blocking the road.
byu/EconomyUpbeat6876 inBengaluru
One user commented, "We don't give a f**k if it's Ambani, his wife, or his father; if someone's blocking the road, they're gonna get an earful lol."
Another noted, "It's true that some citizens are provided with Z+ security, and we must acknowledge its importance. However, it should be ensured that such arrangements don't disrupt day-to-day life beyond what's reasonable."
A third added, "The fact that she didn't give a f**k that guy had a machine gun is even more impressive."
Yet another said, "That aunty beefing with an armed bodyguard is peak Bangalore!"
And one commenter simply said, "Such a hero, salute!"
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