In a shocking incident, a 6-year-old girl was abducted, raped and killed in Rajasthan's Tonk district. The incident was reported from Kheldi village of Aligarh town on Saturday. The girl, a Class I student had left her home on Saturday to attend a sports event at her school.?
The family of the girl approached the police with a missing complaint later in the evening after she did not return home. Read more?
Travelling alone, particularly at night, is a big challenge for women in India, due to concerns about their safety. The growing number of cases of sexual assault and robberies on women travelling at night have forced many to even give up their jobs for security reasons.?
Now, the police in Ludhiana, Punjab has launched a scheme where a woman who is alone and is unable to find a vehicle to return home at night can avail a free drop at home in a police vehicle. The scheme was launched on Sunday by the Commissioner of Police Rakesh Agrawal. Read more?
People are looking for videos of the victim on porn websites. Xvideos, one of the biggest porn streaming sites in the world saw a considerable amount of search volume using the victim's name as keywords.?
According to reports, the keyword has been searched over 8 million times in the past few days and most of the searches came from two countries - India and Pakistan. Read more?
India¡¯s auto industry has been severely hit by the ongoing economic slowdown in the country and whereas about 4 lakh employees have already lost their jobs and several leading firms have been compelled to axe their shifts and stop production, the workers are protesting against the rising layoffs as well as the delay in the wage settlements for many manufacturing units.?
Around 800 workers from different automobile companies, including Suzuki Motorcycles, Maruti Suzuki, Bellsonica Corporation, SPM Auto and others sat on an eight-hour-long protest outside the deputy commissioner¡¯s office in Gurugram on Sunday. Read more?
The unusual story of a tiger travelling over 1,300 km spanning six districts in over 150 days has left many perplexed.?
?The young adult tiger, officially known as TWLS-T1-C1, (not to be confused with TC-C1, the cub of tigress Avni) had travelled from its home in the Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary in Maharashtra and strayed into Telangana before finally settling in the Dnyanganga Wildlife Sanctuary in Buldhana district of Maharashtra. Read more?
The National capital, as well as several other prominent towns and cities in India, have been witnessing a series of protests by students against fee hike in key educational institutions.?
Over the past couple of weeks, the protests have gained momentum as the students allege that a significant number of them will be unable to afford education and will be compelled to drop off if the fee hike continues unabated. Read more??